About Our Company

WASSAPEP Co. Limited, amongst others, is an ideal and secure private Gold Trading and Export Company in Ghana legally permitted by the Minerals Commission and the Lands & Natural Resources, enabling investors to buy and export precious metals with confidence and total security in a different echelon among its competitors in the minerals industry.

Our main business objective aside Civil Engineering, Mining services, Oil, Gas exploration & distribution services, is to purchase mined Physical Gold in the form of Gold dust, nuggets and Ore from artisanal and small mining companies (small miners), process and package it into Physical Gold Dory Bars, for sale to local buyers and for export to overseas buyers, with an established a strong financial reliable and trusted outfit whilst ensuring a better customer satisfaction.

We are further determined to increase profit margin, Increase efficiency and capture a bigger market share as identified as part of the niche market opportunities.

Small miners produced about 42% of the country’s annual Gold Production of 136.2 Tons in 2018, the largest in Africa and 8th largest in the world. 99% of Ghana’s total Gold production is exported and accounted for 35% of the country’s total export earnings and 9.2% of its GDP in 2018. Ghana’s gold reserves were estimated at 1,000 Tons in 2018, the 12th largest in the world. The average annual world Gold demand over the past 10 years is 4,282 Tons.


WASSAPEP has identified a niche opportunity with no significant competition, in the local Gold market arising from a combination of legislative constraints, lack of knowledge and experience in finance, banking and international business within the small miner community and an increase in the number of criminal local and foreign middlemen who capitalize on and further exacerbate the above issues to prey on, regularly defraud and maintain a regime of mistrust and suspicion between small miners, LGBs and foreign buyers, thus posing a threat to the health and stability of the Gold business.


To become a respected and sought after Company of choice in all communities and business sectors within which we operate, world-wide.


The Company’s Strengths include a unique business model, hands-on expertise and track record of its leadership and management team, signed Supplier contracts and several off-takers Customer’s. However, its fundamental Weakness is the complete lack of liquidity to exploit the significant Opportunities associated with Gold’s pervasive and insatiable world demand and a hither-to unexplored local market niche with no significant competition.
This weakness, coupled with the Threat of disruption to the continuity of its mined Gold supplies which, should it materialize, would severely challenge operations and fulfillment of its off-taker contracts, constitute a huge impediment to an otherwise extremely viable, lucrative and successful business.


Although the market opportunity identified herein came with healthy and readily available sources of supply and demand, the Company still had to apply its strengths to design and execute its business model as well as a formidable marketing strategy which includes an effective tactical plan and the execution of an actual campaign with military precision, in order to win the trust and confidence as well as obtain the buy-in of its Suppliers.
The outcome will be a tangible demonstration and confirmation of its business model’s fitness-for-purpose, the efficacy of its entire marketing strategy and above all, the viability of its business proposition, based on projected sales of 100 Dory Bars representing 100 kilograms of Gold per month and a projection of 6 Tons per annum over the next five years. 6 Tons represents about 10% of small miner’s and 4.1% of Ghana’s total mined-Gold output in 2018.
This outcome will be evidenced as:
1. Four contracts, to be carefully constructed by the Company for simplicity, clarity have been painstakingly explained to, discuss, negotiate and sign with duly profiled and qualified Suppliers for the required mined Gold supplies to ensure full utilisation of its operational capacity to produce the projected sales volumes, leaving only contingent capacity.
2. Six duly profiled Customers awaiting completion of final due diligence, out of which two will be selected to off-take all of its projected sales volume.


The Minerals Commission had issued a directive and or procedures to govern the export of gold from Ghana. The following procedures shall govern the exportation of gold by Licensed Gold Exporters (LGE) other than the holders of mining leases. These measures issued by the Minerals Commission shall be in force until substituted by other procedures that may subsequently be prescribed. These include the following;
A Licensed Gold Exporter (LGE) who intends to export gold shall inform the Precious Minerals Marketing Company Limited (PMMC) in writing of its export plans at least two (2) working days before the planned weekly export.
The LGE shall submit the gold ore to be assayed by PMMC at a designated assay centre, together with all declaration documents, Packing List, and Invoice.
The PMMC shall determine the gold content of the gold ore presented by the LGE using the appropriate assay method as agreed by the LGEs, Minerals Commission, and the PMMC.
The PMMC shall prepare a report of analysis of the gold ore presented by the LGE and issue copies instantly to the Bank of Ghana (BOG), the Ghana Revenue Authority Custom Officer stationed at the Assay Centre and the Minerals Commission.
The PMMC shall invoice the LGE in respect of the assay at the agreed rate of 0.1% of the value of gold assayed, and the LGE shall pay the same to PMMC. The payment of this fee is without prejudice to any fee that may be charged by the Minerals Commission.
All Gold Buying Agents of the PMMC, before this publication, may continue to use their permits until the expiry of the present term of the license and same shall not be renewed by the PMMC upon expiry. All such Gold Buying Agents should immediately contact the Minerals Commission for further directions regarding the use of their permits. All persons who desire to obtain permits for buying gold shall apply to the Minerals Commission.
The GRA Customs Official at the Assay Centre shall inspect and supervise the sealing of the assayed gold ore with the Customs Division’s seal and endorse the Customs Declaration Form. The sealing of the assayed gold ore by the Customs Official shall be done in the presence of an authorized representative of the Assay Centre, who shall also affix the seal of the PMMC Assay Centre at the same time.
The LGE shall complete the required documentation at the Kotoka International Airport (KIA) before exporting the assayed gold.
Under no condition shall gold ore be exported by LGE without the seals of the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority and the Government designated laboratory, i.e., PMMC and accompanied with full documentation.
All LGEs shall submit monthly returns to the Minerals Commission in accordance with the terms and conditions of their license agreements.

The foreign entity should have access to legal representation before engaging in any gold export business in Ghana. Not only will the legal representative conduct due diligence on the Licensed Gold Exporter to ascertain that it is in fact licensed and in good standing, he/she will also be expected to educate and or proffer sound professional advice to the foreign entity on any changes in the laws and regulations governing the purchase and export of gold in Ghana.
Most importantly, the legal representative shall police the processes leading to the purchase and export of the gold to ensure that the precise ounces and the required purity of the mineral are shipped from the Republic to its intended recipient. This timely legal advice must be obtained from a lawyer with knowledge and working experience in the gold trading business in Ghana.
The Legal Representative shall also be responsible for the formulation, and the drafting of an agreement to govern the transaction before any transfer of funds shall be effected for payments. This eventually will help to secure the interest of the parties to the transaction and ensure that their reasonable expectation is met at the end of the day.


The above mentioned niche requires a ‘trust-broker’ role by an LGB to interface between the small miners and foreign buyers which allow us to widely operate as a Licensed Gold Exporter (LGE).
This role happens to be the forte of the founders of the Company, who between them possess over 50 years solid hands-on experience in Gold, Mining Consulting, as well as international Commerce and for which they have designed a unique and simple, yet practical first-mover, game-changer Business Model that is acceptable to its small miner Suppliers and foreign Customer/Buyers.
We are in the process of signing 5-year contracts incorporating this business model with some of the suppliers for the supply of mined Gold totaling 6 Tons per annum between them.

Strategically, the main head office will be opened in Accra with other mini offices in mining areas to effectively manage its operations as scribed above.
Since a business operates in with people, process and technology of an organization, it has an impact on the culture, policies, procedures and other aspects of an organization. The organizational structure has a major influence on the execution of the project. The organizational structure decides the resources, communication methods and other aspects of project management.
The organization has a matrix type of structure with well trained and dedicated staff to accomplish the organizational goals. In a strong matrix organization, the power remains with the General manager/ Managing Director.


To exceed the aspirations and expectations of our stakeholders (Community, Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Strategic Alliance Partners, Investors and Shareholders


Our strategy for the next five years is to utilize and leverage our strengths to remain solely focused on exploiting the identified opportunities by:

Obtaining a loan to finance the swift:

✔ Execution of our unique business model for immediate, tangible and consistent realization of the financial and other benefits associated with the identified and any emerging opportunities
✔ Assurance and control of guaranteed and continuous mined Gold supplies, throughout and beyond the next five years

Creating and capitalizing on, every opportunity to further leverage our strengths, especially our knowledge of finance, banking and the local, regional as well as global Physical Gold mining, buying and selling business and associated markets, to:

✔ Consolidate, ring-fence, further explore and expand our niche, in order to improve our market position and remain ahead of competitors
✔ Continuously improve the fitness-for-purpose and agility of our business model

✔ Form beneficial alliances to secure the best markets for Physical Gold and sources of mined Gold, always actively seeking to fully understand, and initially control with a view to eventually and in good time owning as much, if not all of our core business’ supply and value chain, as possible.
✔ Drive investment performance through active, innovative and game- changer activities. Activities that possess the safety, sensitivity and agility to sustain our business locally and globally in a manner that mitigates




To recap briefly:
1. WASSAPEP buys mined Gold nuggets, dust and ore from its Suppliers and processes them into Dory Bars which it sells to its Customers.
2. By pricing the sales and purchase transactions as discounts off the LBMA afternoon Gold price quotation on a given day for both transactions and by ensuring a higher discount for the purchase transaction than the sales transaction, the Company earns its revenue from the difference between the resulting actual sales and purchase prices.

Purchase/Cost Price of Mined Gold Supplies

The cost price of all mined Gold in Ghana is not affected by local economics. It is driven by world Gold prices since most (99%), of all mined Gold is exported abroad to meet international demand which is dictated by world Gold prices.
By leveraging its strengths and close historical relationships within the small miners community, WASSAPEP will negotiate and lock-in the price of mined Gold down to 12% below LBMA Gold price in signed 5-year SPAs with 4 Suppliers.

Each Supplier will be contracted to supply 1,500 Kg of mined Gold having a minimum purity of 92%, per annum for the next 5 years.
The actual price paid for each supply will depend on the afternoon LBMA price prevailing on the date that the Dory Bars produced from the mined Gold supply is assayed at the Customer’s destination refinery.

For example and for the purposes of this outline ‘’the prevailing LBMA afternoon price quotation on 6th January 2020, was US$1,573.20/Troy Ounce or US$50,578.38/Kg’’
Then based on a Gold purity of 92% the actual purchase price per Kg works out at US$50,578.38 x 88% x 92% = US$40,948.26/Kg.

Selling Price & Profit Margin

The Company has targeted its minimum gross profit margin at 8.00%. Working backwards then, the Company needs to sell its product at a maximum discount of 4% (12%-8%) below the LBMA Gold price.

Based on a Gold purity of 92% for its product, and using the same LBMA price as used for the supply, this works out at: US$50,578.38 x 96% x 92% = US$44,670.83/Kg.

The Company’s gross profit = US$(44,670.83 – 40,948.26) = US$3,722.57/Kg
The percent gross profit = (US$3,722.57/US$44,670.83)x100% = 8.33%, this exceeds the targeted minimum of 8.00 %, and more so we can sell the gold on the international market as high as +2% to give close to15% per each transaction.